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namespace LeanMapperQuery;
use LeanMapper;
use LeanMapper\Filtering;
use LeanMapper\Fluent;
use LeanMapper\Reflection\Property;
use LeanMapper\Relationship;
use LeanMapper\Result;
use LeanMapperQuery\Caller;
use LeanMapperQuery\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use LeanMapperQuery\Exception\InvalidMethodCallException;
use LeanMapperQuery\Exception\InvalidRelationshipException;
use LeanMapperQuery\Exception\InvalidStateException;
use LeanMapperQuery\Exception\MemberAccessException;
use LeanMapperQuery\IQuery;
class Entity extends LeanMapper\Entity
protected static $magicMethodsPrefixes = [];
protected function queryProperty($field, IQuery $query)
return static::queryEntityProperty($this, $field, $query);
public static function queryEntityProperty(LeanMapper\Entity $entity, $field, IQuery $query)
if ($entity->isDetached()) {
throw new InvalidStateException('Cannot query detached entity.');
$property = $entity->getCurrentReflection()->getEntityProperty($field);
if ($property === NULL) {
throw new MemberAccessException("Cannot access undefined property '$field' in entity " . get_called_class() . '.');
if (!$property->hasRelationship()) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Property '{$property->getName()}' in entity ". get_called_class() . " has no relationship.");
$class = $property->getType();
$filters = $entity->createImplicitFilters($class, new Caller($entity, $property))->getFilters();
$mapper = $entity->mapper;
$relationship = $property->getRelationship();
if (!($relationship instanceof Relationship\BelongsToMany) && !($relationship instanceof Relationship\HasMany)) {
throw new InvalidRelationshipException('Only BelongsToMany and HasMany relationships are supported when querying entity property. ' . get_class($relationship) . ' given.');
$strategy = $relationship->getStrategy();
if ($strategy !== Result::STRATEGY_UNION) {
$strategy = $query->getStrategy();
if ($relationship instanceof Relationship\BelongsToMany) {
$filters[] = function (Fluent $fluent) use ($mapper, $query) {
$query->applyQuery($fluent, $mapper);
$targetTable = $relationship->getTargetTable();
$referencingColumn = $relationship->getColumnReferencingSourceTable();
$rows = $entity->row->referencing($targetTable, $referencingColumn, new Filtering($filters), $strategy);
} elseif ($relationship instanceof Relationship\HasMany) {
$filters[] = function (Fluent $fluent) use ($mapper, $query) {
$query->applyQuery($fluent, $mapper, new QueryTarget\HasManyTargetTable);
$relationshipTable = $relationship->getRelationshipTable();
$sourceReferencingColumn = $relationship->getColumnReferencingSourceTable();
$targetReferencingColumn = $relationship->getColumnReferencingTargetTable();
$targetTable = $relationship->getTargetTable();
$targetPrimaryKey = $mapper->getPrimaryKey($targetTable);
$rows = [];
$resultRows = [];
$targetResultProxy = NULL;
$relationshipFiltering = NULL;
if ($strategy === Result::STRATEGY_UNION) {
$relationshipFiltering = new Filtering(function (Fluent $fluent) use ($mapper, $query, $relationship) {
$query->applyQuery($fluent, $mapper, new QueryTarget\HasManyRelationshipTable($relationship));
foreach ($entity->row->referencing($relationshipTable, $sourceReferencingColumn, $relationshipFiltering, $strategy) as $relationship) {
$row = $relationship->referenced($targetTable, $targetReferencingColumn, new Filtering($filters));
if ($row !== NULL && $targetResultProxy === NULL) {
$targetResultProxy = $row->getResultProxy();
$row !== NULL && $resultRows[$row->{$targetPrimaryKey}] = $row;
if ($targetResultProxy) {
foreach ($targetResultProxy as $rowId => $rowData) {
if (isset($resultRows[$rowId])) {
$rows[] = $resultRows[$rowId];
} else {
$rows = $resultRows;
$entities = [];
$table = $mapper->getTable($class);
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$newEntity = $entity->entityFactory->createEntity($mapper->getEntityClass($table, $row), $row);
$entities[] = $newEntity;
return $entities;
public function __call($name, array $arguments)
if (preg_match('#^('.implode('|', static::$magicMethodsPrefixes).')(.+)$#', $name, $matches)) {
if (count($arguments) !== 1) {
throw new InvalidMethodCallException(get_called_class() . "::$name expects exactly 1 argument. " . count($arguments) . ' given.');
list($query) = $arguments;
if (!$query instanceof IQuery) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Argument 1 passed to ' . get_called_class() . "::$name must implement interface LeanMapperQuery\\IQuery. " . gettype($query) . ' given.');
list(, $method, $field) = $matches;
$field = lcfirst($field);
return $this->$method($field, $query);
} else {
return parent::__call($name, $arguments);